09 June 2013

Actress Deepika Padukone Younger Sister Golfer Anisha Padukone Photos

by Unknown  |  in SPORTS at  11:22 AM

Actress Deepika Padukone (born 1986) may be one of the top heriones in Bollywood, but younger sister Anisha Padukone (born 1991), is one amongst India’s young golfers.

“We have  a six year age difference between us. And when we were growing up, like other siblings we used to have our fights very often for small things like chocolates, toys etc. But when I moved to Mumbai four years back, I realised how important she is to me. Also now, the equation we share has changed. Earlier I used to feel as we have a six year gap she is too young to understand the things I do. But today, even though I am as protective as a mother for her, she is my best and closest friend. I share a deep bond with her and now I  share everything that I have with her and it’s the same for her as well.”

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