12 June 2013

Actor Karan Singh Grover Wife Actress Jennifer Winget Photos

by Unknown  |  in TELEVISION at  1:55 PM

As one of Television's most loved couples actor Karan Singh Grover & actress Jennifer Winget gets ready to celebrate their 1st wedding anniversary next month on April 9.
Millions of hearts were broken when television industry's blue eyed boy Karan Singh Grover, decided to marry one of the most beautiful actresses of TV Jennifer Winget.

But looks like that the actor's relationship status from single to married doesn't seem to affect his female fan following as he still enjoys the lady killer tag.

When quizzed about his lady killer tag, Karan Says, "I haven't killed any women in my entire life (Laughs). I enjoy the lady killer tag but I am trying to hide it as I am a married man now. And my wife is the only one who can keep me straight."

Karan Singh Grover's substantial female fan following doesn't bother Jennifer Winget. "In fact, I feel very proud. Everyone wants him but I have him" she says, laughing!

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